Every Sunday morning, we come together at 4850 Haughn Road to be filled with the Holy Spirit and grow as disciples of Jesus through music, prayer, scripture reading, and learning.
Sunday Worship
Our main worship service begins at 10:30 AM and concludes before 11:45 AM. During this time, we gather in the sanctuary to sing hymns, pray, give, hear the scripture read and taught, and celebrate communion (on the first Sunday of the month). We believe that living out our faith is something we do together as a local church and we do our very best to help everyone among us feel welcome and loved.
Nursery care is provided for children from birth to two years during Sunday morning worship. Our nursery team is more than childcare; we are loving adults who lead our toddlers and preschoolers through an age-appropriate Bible lesson.
Sunday school
Attending our worship service is great (at least we think so!). But we need more than a worship service to continue growing in faith and love of God. Sunday School classes give our adults an opportunity to join together and study scripture.
Junior church
It can be tough for elementary school-aged children to stay in the main worship service. For families who want to give their children the opportunity to learn from scripture in an age-appropriate way, we offer children's church for kids age 3-9. Children are dismissed before the sermon begins. On the first Sunday of every month Junior Church does not meet so that Trinity kids, too, may experience God's grace through communion. Nursery care for children ages birth to two is available every week.
Other Gatherings
Trinity gathers for worship and growth beyond Sunday mornings. Groups of ministry teams, upper elementary children, kids in 7th - 12th grades, and adults meet throughout the week.
Ignite: K-6 youth group
Ignite meets every other Friday evening at 6:00 pm for a time of prayer, building friendships, and learning what it means to follow Jesus. Meetings are high-energy with a focus on safety and create a space for kids to love one another and feel the love of God. Check out our calendar for the next Ignite meeting!
Trinity students: Middle school & high school ministry
Students in grades 7-12 are invited to join friends and adult leaders on Sunday evenings from 7:00 - 8:00 pm for our Student Bible Study. Once a month, students are invited to hang out at Dairy Queen on Southwest Blvd. Contact our office for more information.
Bible Studies and Classes
A number of Bible studies, book studies, and classes are offered through the year. These gatherings encourage our growth as followers of Jesus. See our “Grow” page for a list of classes and learn how you can experience God’s grace in a small group environment.